Take a hike! Hiking is one of the best ways to explore the Loess Hills. The interactive Google Map below was developed by Golden Hills RC&D and has information about public hiking trails in the Loess Hills. Blue markers indicate that tent camping is allowed, while green means no camping available at site. Click a marker to learn more about each site. To view a map in a new tab or Google maps app, click the square in the upper right corner or click here.
Please note that these are public lands and trails, but most of the land in the Loess Hills is privately owned and not open to public access without landowner permission. Some sites are open to hunting. If you plan to hike during hunting season, wear blaze orange and try not to interfere with hunters. Be sure to stay within park boundaries and avoid trespassing on private lands, and follow all rules and laws for each specific site.
Please note that these are public lands and trails, but most of the land in the Loess Hills is privately owned and not open to public access without landowner permission. Some sites are open to hunting. If you plan to hike during hunting season, wear blaze orange and try not to interfere with hunters. Be sure to stay within park boundaries and avoid trespassing on private lands, and follow all rules and laws for each specific site.
This map is a work in progress. If you have recommended corrections, additions, or changes, please email [email protected].
Hiking the BywaysBlog series about hiking each byway county.
Trail RecommendationsTrail descriptions and recommendations.
Trail Resources |